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Falcon is a 16.2 hand Friesian Arabian cross Gelding. He is a registered with the American Friesian Assoc. He was born 5/4/2003. He has current coggins and vaccines and his teeth were floated last summer. Falcon is being sold as a project horse. He has so much potential and has had a wonderful starting foundation, his owner just hasn’t been able to put the time into him. He cues well with leg aids and is light on the bit. Falcon rides primarily English and only knows how to direct rein. He has been shown lightly and has had exposure to trails. Falcon was trailered across country and ridden in state parks with various terrain. He has also been to a timed pace. As you can imagine, he trailers well! Falcon is more an alpha horse so would not recommend putting him with another alpha horse. He is fine with mares. Falcon is an extremely sweet horse with loads of personality, he just needs an experienced person to bring him to all his potential! Asking $2,000 for this gem of a horse!

Scroll through the gallery to see pictures of the beautiful Falcon!

Falcon  -  $2,000

12 year old registered Friesian Arabian cross Gelding

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