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I will work hard to find the perfect home for your horse. This envolves advertisement, collecting pictures and videos to enhance the sale, and correspondance.

Hello! I am Melanie Garland, the creator and heart behind Happy Trails Horse Sales. I grew up with having horses in my back yard, which taught me how to read horses well. As I grew, my passion for horses did not die. My favorite thing was ground work, and learning to understand the horse and how they think. These skills serve me well when evaluating and recommending horses. It became apparent to me I had a gift for finding the right kind of horse someone was looking for over time when I often did so for friends. Soon people began asking for me to help them sell their horses. Not only was it a hidden talent I had, but also something I genuinely loved doing. So here I am! Your humble horse enthusiast out to find the perfect match of horse and rider!




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